Handsack is a new game where you have to catch the object with the back of your hand while doing a variety of tricks.  As we see it, it’s in the juggling family.

Footbag button hover
Bouton Peteca
Mini Net Button
Pro Kicker Handsack button


Synthetic suede
Sand filled
For slow and fluid play
Perfect for beginners
Assorted colors

Handburger Jaune
Sac de Main par Pro Kicker


Synthetic suede
Sand filled
For fast and lively play
Intermediate and advanced levels
Assorted colors

Sac de main DEXJAM par Pro Kicker


The Handsack game is said to derive from a hobby invented by sailors when they met for long breaks.
The sea dogs were playing tricks with a BIC type lighter by spinning it all over the place and catching it with the back of the hand, which is more difficult
than catching it with the inside of the hand.
Hundreds of other tricks were developed over time.

Contrary to the claims of some, the words Myachi and Saceasi are not the name of this game but rather handsack trademarks.